Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today I went to Target with my Mom. While she was looking at brooms, I got really bored and picked up a broom, put it between my legs and said "Mom, guess who I am!"

I was Harry Potter.

New appreciation for life.

Swan Lake. Ride of the Valkyrie. Symphony No. 5. The Magic Flute. Poker Face.

Friday, July 17, 2009

shameful internet purchases

Just bought ... SHAMWOW.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


If you search my name in Google, this is the first thing that pops up on the videos section: You belong with me.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Our New Blog

So Chen and I are making this blog to record all of the "lows" we reach over the next year. A "low" is not feeling sad or depressed, but something that is embarrassing and kind of lame. First we will fill you in on those we have recorded so far...

-Uncontrollably searching Craigslist for bunnies.
-Almost getting into a car accident because she was staring at a rainbow.
-Envying the panda with a cake (pictured below).

-Eating a brownie that I found on the backseat of Joanna's car (after it had sat there for a few days).
-Stealing Burnett's.

From now on, we will individually post our lows as they happen to us. Happy reading!